Monday, January 4, 2010

Sleepless in Dundalk

Two nights ago, I had this intense craving for coffee.  At midnight.  I thought, “Sure, it is decaff, after all,” and caved to temptation.

Please remind me next time I get that manic gleam in my eye anytime after 5pm and say: “Hmmm.  I feel like coffee,” that a) I am very sensitive to caffeine, and b) even decaffeinated coffee still has some caffeine in it.

The night before last, I slept okay, but woke up too early.  Why? I hear you ask.  My daughter asked me the same question.

“Daddy woke me up.”


“Em… he was awake, so he woke me up.”


“He just wanted me to be awake as well.”

“To do what?”

…  “To talk.  He was awake, he was feeling… er… lonely, so he woke me up to talk.”

“You guys are weird.”

So, what with… er… talking instead of catching up on the sleep I’d missed before, I was well tired by last night.  I went to bed early, but the Man was watching Top Gun on television.  I find it difficult to fall asleep with a light on, impossible if the TV is going.  Micky asked me, very considerately, whether it was okay if he watched TV a bit longer, and of course I said yes, sure, it won’t bother me at all.  Why I can’t just be honest and say: “No, Love, if you don’t mind, I’m absolutely shattered and really, really need to sleep”?

So I lay there, being kept awake by the television, and in truth it’s usually okay.  I go into this semi-sleep state which is quite nice.  But last night, this didn’t happen.  Instead, I kept drifting off, then jumping back to full wakefulness.  After this happened a few times, my body was in full “We’re not going to sleep tonight” mode.  Subsequently, I did not sleep.

I am a zombie, and I’m soon going to start moaning for braaaaiiiinz.


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