Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Church Causes More STDs

I am a Social Science major, studying to eventually become a Ministerial Counselor, and in that, I must take certain courses to obtain my Bachelors in Psychology. One of those subjects is Biology. Naturally, there are a lot of theories presented against Biblical text, but I heard one today while in my Bio 102 course that really threw me for a loop.

We are studying the human reproductive system, and part of the lecture included is about STDs. My professor presented many facts about the prevalence of STDs in American’s (more than 50% of Americans have at least one STD; that’s over 150 MILLION!), and while talking about it, he compared our rates to that of the other 1st countries, and even to 2nd and 3rd world countries (we actually have a higher rate than many third world areas). The last statement that he made got me, he started by saying “The highest amount of STDs is in teens in America. In that, however, the area of America with the highest level is southern America.” Then he smugly states the reason is “because of the church, primarily the southern Baptists who are not progressive like California.”

That moved me to a place of almost getting angry with him. The Holy Spirit quickly calmed me and made me think about a few things, which I will touch on later, but first I must rant about this…

Since when did the Church become the inhibitor to progressive stances against STDs? Does the church not preach about abstaining? Does it not preach about holding out?

Now I know that in preaching all of that, it should also be taught the many reasons WHY God wants us to abstain (which I will touch on later too). Let’s be honest here however, if you were to ask a room full of people who do not attend church if they have sex and if they use contraceptives, what do you think the answer would be? The majority would say yes. Is it because the Church has put a block on their ability to get contraceptives? No. In all honesty, before I gave my life over to the Lord fully, I was guilty of the same thing. The Church is not hindering anything, its fleshly choice that causes our issues. Yet, when “the foolishness of man subverts his way [ruins his affairs], then his heart is resentful and frets against (or gets mad with) the Lord.” (Proverbs 19:3).

WE make our own mistakes, not God. He is perfect, and when we live for Him and fully abide in Him (not just saying “I love the Lord, but He knows my heart”, but actually trying to live His will), we don’t have to worry about unexpected pregnancies, or STDs, or baby-mamma drama, or any of that “extra” stuff. I know it feels good, I’ve been there, but I bet it wouldn’t feel good to get pregnant at age 19 with an income of 300 fresh out of high school. And then because you made the mistake, you choose to kill the child, like he told you to do or something. If you had a choice, shouldn’t the child? Thankfully, God granted some serious grace and mercy to me and my girlfriend to not contract any diseases (which we don’t cheat and I am her only [and will be marrying her], another good thing to practice!), not produce children, and not have any other foolishness go on other than unsettled spirits as we were convicted. (2 Timothy 2:22 speaks on all things we should turn away from btw)


Fellow body of Christ, please teach young adults (middle to high school age) about sex! Do you really want TV and music, and even what they see on the streets to teach them the false hood of it? “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…” (2 Timothy 3:16), so use it in every aspect! God’s Word never said “fear what I have made”, and He made sex, but it must be used in the right context. So teach them the truth about it, and the dangers of it. Show them the statistics; teach them what it can do both naturally and supernaturally to them if they partake in it at the wrong time. Make the church the place where the lowest rates of STDs and unwed, early child birth/abortion takes place. Let’s not just say “wait until your married”, the Word says to be bold in teaching His Word, so BE BOLD! I am 21, and I know that if you catch young people early enough, you can save lives as Christ ordains/ orders us to do. Both born and unborn.


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