Friday, February 26, 2010

Parents check out these stats!

Just a quick note for you parents of kids 7 and older!

Don’t just have the ’sex’ talk with your kids. Also have the sex vs. porn talk. They will listen to you, even if they don’t appear to.

A tip; it’s easier to discuss sex on a major issue, if you continually make sex a normal topic of discussion. Ask them what they believe good values are, where their personal limits and boundaries and what other peoples boundaries may be and how to respect that. Make the sex talk and values, respect and personal choice. Always keep it simple, quick and to their level of understanding!

For boys, choose to talk when they are not forced to make eye contact but are forced to listen. I.e a car ride, or school or home project that doesn’t require too much thought.

For girls, make it a bit of a gossip fest (depending on age) and discuss a lot of different things at once. What are her friends up to? What does she think of that? Be open to letting the subject change but try not to avoid it and not get back to it again.

A great place to find efficient blockers and accountability software (free and cheap) is

Kids’ Top 100 Searches of 2009

* 1. YouTube

* 2. Google

* 3. Facebook

* 4. Sex

* 5. Porn

* 6.

* 7. Yahoo

* 8. MySpace

* 9. eBay

* 10. You Tube

* 11. Wikipedia

* 12. Michael Jackson

* 13. Taylor Swift

* 14. Gmail

* 15. Party in the USA

* 16. Miley Cyrus

* 17. Club Penguin

* 18. Miniclip

* 19. Fred

* 20. Games

* 21. Facebook login

* 22.

* 23. Hotmail

* 24. Lady Gaga

* 25. Amazon

* 26. Yahoo Mail

* 27. Justin Bieber

* 28. Addicting games

* 29.

* 30. Webkinz

* 31.

* 32. Boobs

* 33. MSN

* 34. Hannah Montana

* 35. Dictionary

* 36. Walmart

* 37. Selena Gomez

* 38.

* 39.

* 40. New Moon

* 41. Runescape

* 42. Lil Wayne

* 43. Google Maps

* 44. Down

* 45. Google Earth

* 46. Norton Safety Minder

* 47. Mapquest

* 48. Boom Boom Pow

* 49. Craigslist

* 50. Twilight

* 51. Megan Fox

* 52. Sesame Street

* 53. Poptropica

* 54. Target

* 55. Eminem

* 56. Music

* 57. Fireflies

* 58. Disney Channel

* 59. You Belong With Me

* 60. Utube

* 61. Weather

* 62. iTunes

* 63. Beyonce

* 64. Pokemon

* 65. Britney Spears

* 66. Twitter

* 67.

* 68. Demi Lovato

* 69. Funny

* 70. Black Eyed Peas

* 71. One time

* 72. Cartoon Network

* 73. Jonas Brothers

* 74. Halo

* 75.

* 76. Watcha Say

* 77. Family Guy

* 78. Taylor Swift You Belong With Me

* 79. Best Buy

* 80. Taylor Lautner

* 81. Rihanna

* 82. Pussy

* 83.

* 84. Lego

* 85. Gummy Bear Song

* 86. Thriller

* 87. You’re a jerk

* 88. Nigahiga

* 89. Girls

* 90. Free online games

* 91. New Moon trailer

* 92. Translator

* 93. Disney

* 94.

* 95. Paparazzi Lady Gaga

* 96. Poker Face

* 97. Chris Brown

* 98. iPod Touch

* 99. Photbucket

* 100. Bing


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