Friday, December 18, 2009

Changing Course (But Staying on the Dark Path)

Someone once told me that they thought I had a touch of ADD. Don’t know if they’re right (I smell bacon), but my mind does vacillate through story ideas, locking onto the ones that interest me at the moment. The sub title of this blog,  A Horror Writers Journey, is right but the story idea I’ve settled on isn’t a horror tale, but it will have elements of horror within…natural for a violent crime/murder mystery.  It will also include some  questionable high-strangeness-factor events.  It is called Country Dark. I am fleshing it out now in my notebook…synopsis of chapters and character sketches (I gotta have a map, in writing as in traveling).  I’m drawn to this story, I believe, for the familiar setting it will take place; Smalltown Oklahoma. I have plenty to draw from, the characters are fictional but known to me, intimate and distant.

The other stories go on the back burner to slow cook as my mind wanders to them to add spices and body until ready to serve.  I may be changing stories (did you hear a monky?) but I’ll still be writing. Be patient; I am slow and deliberate in the creation of stories, but the writing should come swift…



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