Monday, December 14, 2009

sknaht nogard, for nothing

Is it snowing in your heart cos you’re one cold son of a bitch.

And don’t mean to offend your mother but you kind of asked for it.

I don’t have to tell you twice that I miss you, I care about you.

I wish we were cool and that everything was like it was when I was happy and you were happy and we’d have make love all night because:

What is the point of keeping our hands off of each other anyway?

I’m angry that you got under my skin and into my heart and because you are so contagious and beautiful and your hands are so soft, I am not okay.

I cannot move on.

Seeing you with her makes it worse but hey, she can’t fuck like I can so at least I know I can keep that.

So just remember where your pleasure came from and what I used to do 

What I used to do when I was loving you

I could have loved you

And yes, I am bitter

One step closer to moving on 


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