Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sexting and Teens: you write it, it's yours

For some reason the teens I know keep writing things on impulse!  Oh wait, that’s how the teen brain operates.  We are in a scary new world of written communication.  There are texts, and face book messages, and tweets, and all of them are out there for lots of people to see.

Unfortunately teens do not think about this before they go to type a message, and or post a naked picture of themselves.  It seems like common sense to me that you do not threaten to beat up another kid on the wall of face book or text someone that you want to kill them, but apparently common sense does not rein any longer!

The most disturbing example is “sexting”.  Teens write things to each other that are intimate and private.  A lot of the time the things being written are also graphic, and scary to parents who happen to pick up their kids phones.  It is bad enough to know that your kids are probably talking to the person they like/are dating in a sexual manner, it is another thing to come across a really gory detailed text message.

Teens: I know it is hard to stop the freight train of energy and passion that propels you forward into the heat of the moment text and/or face book message, but please try to remember that what you write will most likely be seen by way more people than you intended.  It may result in fights with friends, break ups with girlfriends/boyfriends, parent(s) being really upset, colleges denying your application, jobs turning you down etc.

Be careful what you put on your phone and the internet.  If you are not sure you would want your mom to know about what you are writing you might want to do it the old fashioned way and pick up a phone and actually call the person you want to talk to.  Tell them what you have to say so that their is no paper trail.  Beware of the paper trail!!!

Parents: Talk to you kids about what can happen with the information they put on the internet and through text.  It is unrealistic to think they will not text, IM, and face book, and it will go a long way toward keeping them safe and happy the more you can explain how to enjoy media without getting into unintended trouble.  Teens need to find a happy medium between letting it all hang out and hiding under a rock.

Remember that you are amazing and worth loving no matter what you texted last night, (try to stay out of trouble ))!

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